Leaving a narcissistic alcoholic

• It’s important to have a support system in place before leaving a narcissistic alcoholic. You don’t want to be stranded on an island with nothing but your thoughts and feelings when you finally decide to leave the narcissist behind. Reach out to friends, family members or even strangers who can offer emotional support during this difficult time.

• Leaving a narcissistic alcoholic can be dangerous, so it’s crucial to have a safety plan in place. Don’t make the mistake of thinking that everything will go smoothly once you break up with them. The abuser may become violent or harass you after the breakup, so take precautions such as changing locks, getting a restraining order or informing authorities if necessary.

• Narcissists often try to manipulate their partners into staying, so it’s important to stay firm and not give in to their tactics. They might use guilt-tripping techniques like “I’ll change” or “You’re abandoning me”, but don’t fall for these empty promises! Remember why you decided to leave in the first place and stick with your decision.

• A therapist or counselor can provide helpful guidance and support during the process of leaving a narcissistic alcoholic. Therapy is not just for people who are crazy; everyone needs someone they can talk about their problems without being judged (except maybe serial killers). Seek professional help from licensed therapists who specialize in dealing with abusive relationships.

• Financial independence is key when leaving a narcissistic alcoholic, as they may use money as leverage or control over their partner. If possible, start saving some cash while still living together until you feel confident enough financially independent then pack your bags!

• Cutting off all contact with the narcissistic alcoholic after leaving is usually necessary for healing and moving on from the relationship. Block them everywhere – social media accounts included! This way there won’t be any temptation whatsoever left around which could lead back down memory lane again…

• It’s common for survivors of abusive relationships with alcoholics to experience trauma symptoms such as anxiety and depression; seeking therapy can help address these issues. Don’t ignore the signs of PTSD, it’s a real thing! It’s okay not to be okay but it’s also important that you seek professional help if needed.

• Joining a support group for survivors of abuse can also be beneficial during the recovery process. You’re not alone in this journey! There are other people out there who have gone through similar experiences and can offer empathy, advice or even just someone to listen when things get tough.

• It’s important to document any instances of abuse or manipulation before leaving a narcissistic alcoholic, as this can be helpful in legal proceedings if necessary. Keep track of everything – texts messages, emails etcetera!

• Leaving a narcissistic alcoholic may require obtaining a restraining order for safety reasons. If they’re stalking you like an ex-boyfriend on Instagram then don’t hesitate getting one from your local court house ASAP!

• Narcissists often try to make their partners feel guilty for leaving by blaming them for the relationship problems; it’s important not to internalize these feelings and understand that the fault lies with the abuser. Just because they say something doesn’t mean its true – remember that always!

• Leaving an alcoholic partner can also involve seeking help from addiction specialists or support groups such as Al-Anon. Alcoholism is no joke! Seek guidance from professionals who know how best handle situations like yours.

• Survivors of abusive relationships with alcoholics should prioritize self-care during and after leaving which may include therapy, exercise, healthy eating habits, taking time off work if needed (or maybe take up knitting). Do whatever makes YOU happy again!

• Friends and family members of survivors should provide emotional support without judgment or pressure when they decide to leave a narcissistic alcoholic. Be kinder than usual because everyone needs love especially those going through hard times.

-In some cases, survivors may need to relocate or change jobs after leaving an abusive relationship with an alcoholic partner due to safety concerns or harassment from the abuser. If you feel like your life is in danger then don’t hesitate making a drastic move!

P.S. You should check out these leaving narcissist books at Amazon. (affiliate link)

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