When a narcissist won’t leave you alone

• The narcissist may continue to contact the victim through various means, including phone calls, texts, and social media messages.

Narcissists are like a bad rash that just won’t go away. They’ll try every possible way of getting in touch with their victims even if it means sending an endless stream of emojis or spamming them with cat videos on Instagram. It’s important for the victim to block all forms of communication so they can finally get some peace and quiet!

• They may use guilt-tripping tactics or make false promises in an attempt to win back their victim’s affection.

Ah yes, the classic “I’m sorry” followed by “but you were really mean too.” Narcissists love nothing more than playing mind games with people because it makes them feel powerful. Victims need to be aware that these apologies are not sincere and only serve as a way for the narcissist to regain control over them.

• Narcissists often struggle with accepting rejection and will persistently try to regain control over their former partner.

Rejection is hard for anyone but imagine being rejected when you think you’re God’s gift to humanity! Narcissists have a hard time accepting that someone doesn’t want anything to do with them anymore because they believe everyone should worship at their feet. Unfortunately, this leads them down a slippery slope towards stalking behavior which can be dangerous if left unchecked.

• It is important for the victim to establish clear boundaries and communicate them firmly to the narcissist.

Setting boundaries is crucial when dealing with any toxic person but especially so when it comes to narcissists who don’t respect other people’s feelings or personal space. Victims need to let these individuals know what behaviors are unacceptable and stick firm in enforcing those limits no matter how much pushback they receive from the other party.

• Seeking support from friends, family members, or a therapist can be helpful in dealing with ongoing harassment from a narcissistic ex-partner.

Dealing with a narcissistic ex is like trying to navigate through a minefield blindfolded. It’s important for victims to have a support system in place that can help them stay grounded and provide emotional support during this difficult time. Therapists are especially helpful as they can offer guidance on how to deal with the psychological manipulation tactics used by these individuals.

• In some cases, obtaining a restraining order may be necessary if the behavior becomes threatening or violent.

When all else fails, it’s time to bring out the big guns! If the narcissist continues their harassment despite repeated attempts at setting boundaries, then it might be necessary for victims to obtain legal protection against them. A restraining order sends a clear message that this type of behavior will not be tolerated and provides an added layer of security should things escalate further.

• Narcissists may try to manipulate their victim by playing the victim themselves, claiming that they are suffering without them.

Oh yes, poor little narcissist who has lost his favorite toy! These individuals love nothing more than being center stage and will do anything possible (including pretending to be hurt) just so they can get back into your life again. Victims need to remember that any “suffering” experienced by the narcissist is entirely self-inflicted due to their own toxic behaviors!

• They might use flattery or gifts as a way of getting back into the victim’s life and gaining control over them again.

The old adage about catching flies with honey applies here too! Narcissists know exactly what buttons to push when it comes down seduction techniques – compliments followed up by expensive presents usually does trick nicely! However, accepting these gestures only opens up another avenue for manipulation so beware!

• It is essential for victims avoid engaging in any communication with the narcissist if possible as this can fuel further attempts at contact.

Like gasoline on fire!!! Any form of communication from the victim only serves to strengthen the narcissist’s belief that they still have some form of control over them. Silence is golden in this situation, so victims need to make like a mime and keep their mouths firmly shut!

• In some cases, it may be necessary for victims to change their phone number, block social media accounts and email addresses, and even move homes if they feel threatened or unsafe.

It might seem extreme but when dealing with a dangerous individual like a narcissist sometimes drastic measures are needed! Changing your contact details can give you back your sense of security while also making it harder for the other party to track you down. Just don’t forget to leave breadcrumbs behind (for law enforcement) in case things get worse.

• Narcissistic behavior often stems from deep-seated insecurity and feelings of inadequacy; however, this does not excuse abusive or controlling actions towards others.

We all have our issues – maybe yours is an addiction to buying shoes online – but that doesn’t mean we should take out our problems on those around us! While understanding where someone else’s toxic behaviors come from can help provide context it doesn’t absolve them from responsibility for their actions. Victims shouldn’t feel guilty about setting boundaries or taking legal action against these individuals as everyone deserves respect no matter what demons they’re battling inside themselves.

P.S. You should check out these leaving narcissist books at Amazon. (affiliate link)

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